It is not everyday that a guy who is infamous for his cold blooded logic begins to write poetry. It is really surprising to note that all sorts off odd coincidences that trigger these stone hearts to pen something that reflects their softer shade. But once the wheel starts to spin, it does not stop.
And I believe I wasn't an exception. Inspired by some heartburn, I too took to writing. Usually the first pieces that one composes have their own share of lackings but are special nonetheless.Today, I am going to share three such pieces. Pardon their faults for there is more heart in them than anything else.
Here I stand alone in the dark,
Waiting for you to light a spark.
You said you would be there when
I would need you but then,
When I look again and can't find you any more,
I shout out loud and I can not take it any more.
Drenched in agony and filled with fear,
Uncertainty stings my mind, loud and clear!
II. Miasma
But you smile and say that you can't.
You want me to curse you but not to forgive!
But you urge me in vain for I can't
Be detoxified of the love which you did not give.
So, I hide in the shadows, waiting for your return.
III. Mellifluous
Though my heart reeks of cold anguish;
Yet with every pulsating fibre of my body,
And from the forlorn abyss of my heart, I do wish,
The words, thy lips are to speak with wondrous melody,
Would be those saccharine words that my ears.
Tired of the cacophony of thy inexplicable charm,
Are longing to hear,
As they are elemental in keeping me from harm!