Another one of my "poems" from the forgotten realms of my diary. Well, this seemed to be a poem when I wrote it but it seems..uh...(how do I put it)..unpoem-ish right now. But, I will take the benefit of doubt and call this a poem in free verse. I am not much of a believer in the supernatural but I like writing about it, especially about the immortality of love. Death can never define the end of love. Love lingers on....And yes, this post is "Halloween special".
The mellow hues of twilight
Now overawes the firmament,
Lighting up the fleecy curls, hinting
Mildly at the approach of Dawn.
As Eos begins to grace the sky,
The heart of a forlorn soul beats
To cast away the the cloud
That shadows his conscience.
As the idle thoughts begin to stir,
Awakening memories which were
Painfully cast aside.He bears a doleful
Expression ,with a tint of agony on
His countenance , which conveys
The turmoil raging in his heart.
Yet he sits on his tombstone, unfazed
By the pain which he has learnt to ignore
And as soft mist rolls by; silhouetting
The trees and casting an incandescent glow,
He hears faint, muffled cries echoing in his mind.
As the stars, gazing through the shredded clouds
Begins to fade and the reddened glow of Dawn
Begins to wither way and a subliminal distaste
Takes his place!
Only evanescent traces of her
Saccharine presence remains
To ridicule his wretched existence.
But one still sees him smile
A self mocking sneer which
Conceals his hearts despair.
Yet no one is here to see him fade,
No one is there to place a red rose
On his grave.
Forever and Always,
Subhodeep Noir Sarkar
[August 2010]
Footnote: There was time when I used to listen to a lot of black metal, especially symphonic black metal and gothic metal. I still find the lyrics of this genre very "stimulating, if that s the word I want. This one was inspired by them. The basic idea of this poem (yes, I am still calling it a poem) is that of a Lover, an Inamorata, who is no longer present in this world. Yet the love that he had for his beloved is still present. This love takes the form of an apparition, an apparition so strong that it resembles himself. The apparition only bears love for his beloved. He is neither aware of pain nor aware of his surrounding. It is fueled by love and love alone. We don't know how the lover died or what became of his lady love. Perhaps he was driven to death when his lady love jilted him! But he still visits his grave (or rather his love does) and waits, waits for his lover to come and lay a rose on his grave. A symbol representing that his love is not in vain. But we do not know if his lady love is still around or felt/feels so strongly for him. Maybe he waits on his grave in vain.Maybe he will never attain eternal rest. But he waits nevertheless!
And yes!It is my job to write a poem based on an idea. It is not my job to force an interpretation upon my readers. I welcome my readers to interpret this in anyway they feel is appropriate. :)
This brief footnote is for those who says my poetry is too cryptic to make any sense.
And if you have read the post till this part, then I really admire you for your patience and a big thank you to you too. You are awesome!
And one final thing, all the images are property of their respective artistes/photographers. No copyright infringement intended. This post turned out way too much dark and gothic than I intended!
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